Trekking through the woods, mind and body

페이지 정보

  • 최고관리자

  • 2024-09-21

  • 190 회

  • 0 건


We introduced two new initiatives for this meditation trek.

The first was the development of a pathway connecting the hermitage, which had previously been used only by the monks.

The second was a sansa meditation program held in the courtyard behind Banyaam.

Banyaam is a hermitage I had passed by many times, but I never expected to connect with it in such a meaningful way. However, the sansa meditation experience in its backyard turned out to be one of the most popular programs.

Considering the overall itinerary of the trek, I opted for the field path to Jisan Jeonsugwan. The soft autumn sunlight beautifully complemented the atmosphere of Yeongchuksan Mountain, with its vibrant, ripening leaves in the distance.

At our final stop, the Jisan Village Acidosis Training Center, we organized a simple demonstration of exterior construction, which was met with unexpectedly high enthusiasm.

This trekking event, which has been organized around various themes, is now evolving into a cultural experience product based on our activities.


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